Rabu, 19 April 2017

How to Make Money from Youtube

There are only 8 steps how to make money from youtube. you simply make one video, then to google adsense, then a video to promote your videos are so many who watch and his money get. Have you ever watched a video on youtube and there is its advertising ?? if its ad ... Then the owner of the video that you watch it will get the money from youtube.

so, how ???

Step 1: Make mideo (any, but better one topic only)

Step 2: Create an Email at Gmail.com

Step 3: Create a YouTube Channel using Gmail emails that have been made earlier

Step 4: Upload Video to Youtube as many

Step 5: If the View has reached 10,000 views, Sign up for Google Adsense Youtube Channel.

Step 6: Look for visitors and Subscriber (Customer Channel)

may share youtube videos on medsos or advertise)

Step 7: Get the money from ads that aired and the number of viewers (viewer)

Step 8: Melt the money through a bank account or WU (Western Union) at the post office.

So how do I get the money alias way disburse the money earned payday youtube ad was I ??

to withdraw money earned from youtube, youtube and google system was the one that would work.

if your balance is in google adsense already reached 100 $, then google will automatically send the money directly to a bank account owned by you that you have input data.

or if you are already set up with the payment method WESTERN UNION, eat live record MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number), then take the money at the nearest post office.

When I can take the money / date of disbursement of the balance obtained in google adsense ??

1. The date 1-2: revenue balance of the blog
2. July 12 - 15: income balance from youtube
3. 19: google start processing payments
4. 21: Woohoo ...! payday

Sumber : https://pendi88.blogspot.co.id/2016/06/cara-mendapatkan-uang-dari-youtube.html

Nama: Desy Rahmawati
Kelas : 3EA38
NPM : 12214803



(+) S+ Had + Verb 3
(-)  S + Had + Not + Verb-3
(?) Had + S + Verb-3?


(+) You had lived in Bandung since five years ago 
(-)  You hadn’t lived in Bandung since five years  ago
(?) Had you lived in Bandung since five years ago?


(+) S+ Had + Been + Verb 3
(-)  S+ Had + Not + Been + Verb 3
(?) Had + S + Been + Verb 3 ?


(+) It had been finished yet when you came
(-)  It hadn’t been finished yet when you came
(?)  had it been finished yet when you came?

Nama: Desy Rahmawati
Kelas : 3EA38
NPM : 12214803